Thursday, June 14, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007

When members of the `Comaganin Raaga Priya' orchestra completed 50 hours of non-stop performance here on Sunday, it was much more than an attempt at the Guinness Book of World Records.
For the audience, it was a lesson in enthusiasm, doggedness and the power of indomitable will.
The troupe of visually challenged musicians performed from 1 p.m. on Friday to 7 p.m. on Sunday, surpassing an existing record of a 48-hour performance by a group in Hungary, troupe director M.C. Comagan said. Over 650 film songs were rendered during the fete.
Five-month practice
"We have been practising for about five months now," Mr. Comagan said. The troupe, which was formed in 1991 with nine members, grew in strength to accommodate a total of 25 talented musicians.
Having set a record in India through a 16-hour show in 1999, the group dreamt big and targeted this international record. They won more attention after being featured in director Cheran's `Autograph' in the national award-winning song `Ovvoru pookalumae...' "It is about identifying one's talent within, nurturing it and giving it your best, said Mr. Comagan.
The achievement, however, was no cakewalk for the team. Besides several months' hard work and determination, it demanded an immense stamina. Members did sense some tiredness in their voices but that, by no means, deterred the effort.
And the instrumentalists took hardly any breaks in between.
"I managed to catch about one or two hours of sleep in these 50 hours,'' percussionist V. R. Prasanna Kumar said. He played tabla and mridangam.
An English lecturer at a city college, Mr.Kumar began his training in tabla-playing when he was five.
As people gathered around members of the group to congratulate them on the task accomplished, they responded with their reassuring smiles, bearing no sign of fatigue or lack of sleep.
Actors T. Rajendar, Vadivukkarasi and music director Ganesh (of the Shankar-Ganesh duo) were among those who felicitated the group.
For the audience, it was a lesson in enthusiasm, doggedness and the power of indomitable will.
The troupe of visually challenged musicians performed from 1 p.m. on Friday to 7 p.m. on Sunday, surpassing an existing record of a 48-hour performance by a group in Hungary, troupe director M.C. Comagan said. Over 650 film songs were rendered during the fete.
Five-month practice
"We have been practising for about five months now," Mr. Comagan said. The troupe, which was formed in 1991 with nine members, grew in strength to accommodate a total of 25 talented musicians.
Having set a record in India through a 16-hour show in 1999, the group dreamt big and targeted this international record. They won more attention after being featured in director Cheran's `Autograph' in the national award-winning song `Ovvoru pookalumae...' "It is about identifying one's talent within, nurturing it and giving it your best, said Mr. Comagan.
The achievement, however, was no cakewalk for the team. Besides several months' hard work and determination, it demanded an immense stamina. Members did sense some tiredness in their voices but that, by no means, deterred the effort.
And the instrumentalists took hardly any breaks in between.
"I managed to catch about one or two hours of sleep in these 50 hours,'' percussionist V. R. Prasanna Kumar said. He played tabla and mridangam.
An English lecturer at a city college, Mr.Kumar began his training in tabla-playing when he was five.
As people gathered around members of the group to congratulate them on the task accomplished, they responded with their reassuring smiles, bearing no sign of fatigue or lack of sleep.
Actors T. Rajendar, Vadivukkarasi and music director Ganesh (of the Shankar-Ganesh duo) were among those who felicitated the group.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
I guess till the end of april Indian or Pakistan bloggres definitely write a article about their teams early exit in their blogs. my article is my thoughts on cricket.
Proffesionals,Commercials, Corruptions
If we ask every one to name their favourites in Australian,South African cricket teams every one will say waugh brothers,boon,border,rhodes ,allan donald we love for their skills in cricket ..they are consider as artist in cricket but today we are living in the era of Sigmas i.e complete proffesionalism.proffesionals do what is neccesary like the sculptor handles the stone.... Australians ,South Africans,Srilankans and West indies( to some extent) are proffesionals..the greats like ricky ponting,shaun pollock whom were known for their exceptional skills are changed into proffesionals...they didnt play for their record .they what the team is good for shows team spirit rather than the individual ia good for cricket as it will increase the competition..I like australian team for their aggression showed in each match....sunil gavaskar coment will not stop them from producing great cricket
No one would have marketed cricket than BCCI... every coin has two is us to use the good side... every child in india know sachin than our prime minister manmohan every one consider themselves as an expert in cricket and start critiscing indian cricket team( I WANT TO CALL THEM AS INDIAN CRICKET TEAM NOT INDIA) this nation only we can expect the parlimentarians who join hands in bringing ganguly and laxman back to the team..if they would join hands in many people welfare issues we still will not read "INDIA is a developing country" in our text in india has exploited people hours and money than their work......the media has created a hype which made us to compare dhonis ,pathans with legend adam gilchrist,symonds and kallis.... today media jus want to attract VIEWERS and increase TRP ratings doing all the idiotic and stupid things..if u watch the media u will realise that if INDIA wins there will big debate about our good performance ..if it lose they will kill our cricketers..they are one of the important factors for instigating angry moods with our common people... A team should be experimented ...unless we experiment we cannot know our strength and weakness..Greg Chappelexperimented our team and brought the hidden talents of pathan and dhoni... it is our media created a lot of hype... players are also humans ..they tend to belive themselves as great if we appreciate them.. we should leave them to decide their own fate..... we wnt our cricketers to advertise for every band... business exploiting our desires and using them as models for their band ..the good part about this even a new comer get lakhs an lakhs of money by add..the ugly thing is instead of improving their quality of cricket they iare improving their acting skills... like these factors ,many factors had led to the early exit of INDIAN CRICKET TEAM inthis world cup
I rate pakistan as team which can beat australia and become an undisputed leader in cricket.. They are also the team which can also loose to a school team..The mafias and the mumbai underworld has made the pakistan cricket to lose to a a small team like Ireland..the bettings and the scandals has tarnished the image of pakistan cricket team.... players were also started loosing their confidence and throwing the matches to small teams..they should start to belive themselves...pakistan team has good talent.....iinspite of climatic conditions in sub continent they are able to produce good qualityfast bowlers.... indian team and srilankan team still dont have a quality fast bowler..vaas is a quality bowler but not the fast bowler...If they tuned and mould well they can prodeuce world class crickters....
Cricket is more important than any individuals...aussies ,nz,sa s and lankans are moving to more professional manner where the indians are milking money from the public..system has to be changes in india and pakistan..BCCI still get money from this mad cricketing nation..... but if they didnt change people in India and pakistan will make our Indian cricket team like our hockey is the time to awake and experiment the necessary ones...
ges in india and pakistan..BCCI still get money from this mad cricketing nation..... but if they didnt change people in India and pakistan will make our Indian cricket team like our hockey is the time to awake and experiment the necessary ones...
Proffesionals,Commercials, Corruptions
If we ask every one to name their favourites in Australian,South African cricket teams every one will say waugh brothers,boon,border,rhodes ,allan donald we love for their skills in cricket ..they are consider as artist in cricket but today we are living in the era of Sigmas i.e complete proffesionalism.proffesionals do what is neccesary like the sculptor handles the stone.... Australians ,South Africans,Srilankans and West indies( to some extent) are proffesionals..the greats like ricky ponting,shaun pollock whom were known for their exceptional skills are changed into proffesionals...they didnt play for their record .they what the team is good for shows team spirit rather than the individual ia good for cricket as it will increase the competition..I like australian team for their aggression showed in each match....sunil gavaskar coment will not stop them from producing great cricket
No one would have marketed cricket than BCCI... every coin has two is us to use the good side... every child in india know sachin than our prime minister manmohan every one consider themselves as an expert in cricket and start critiscing indian cricket team( I WANT TO CALL THEM AS INDIAN CRICKET TEAM NOT INDIA) this nation only we can expect the parlimentarians who join hands in bringing ganguly and laxman back to the team..if they would join hands in many people welfare issues we still will not read "INDIA is a developing country" in our text in india has exploited people hours and money than their work......the media has created a hype which made us to compare dhonis ,pathans with legend adam gilchrist,symonds and kallis.... today media jus want to attract VIEWERS and increase TRP ratings doing all the idiotic and stupid things..if u watch the media u will realise that if INDIA wins there will big debate about our good performance ..if it lose they will kill our cricketers..they are one of the important factors for instigating angry moods with our common people... A team should be experimented ...unless we experiment we cannot know our strength and weakness..Greg Chappelexperimented our team and brought the hidden talents of pathan and dhoni... it is our media created a lot of hype... players are also humans ..they tend to belive themselves as great if we appreciate them.. we should leave them to decide their own fate..... we wnt our cricketers to advertise for every band... business exploiting our desires and using them as models for their band ..the good part about this even a new comer get lakhs an lakhs of money by add..the ugly thing is instead of improving their quality of cricket they iare improving their acting skills... like these factors ,many factors had led to the early exit of INDIAN CRICKET TEAM inthis world cup
I rate pakistan as team which can beat australia and become an undisputed leader in cricket.. They are also the team which can also loose to a school team..The mafias and the mumbai underworld has made the pakistan cricket to lose to a a small team like Ireland..the bettings and the scandals has tarnished the image of pakistan cricket team.... players were also started loosing their confidence and throwing the matches to small teams..they should start to belive themselves...pakistan team has good talent.....iinspite of climatic conditions in sub continent they are able to produce good qualityfast bowlers.... indian team and srilankan team still dont have a quality fast bowler..vaas is a quality bowler but not the fast bowler...If they tuned and mould well they can prodeuce world class crickters....
Cricket is more important than any individuals...aussies ,nz,sa s and lankans are moving to more professional manner where the indians are milking money from the public..system has to be changes in india and pakistan..BCCI still get money from this mad cricketing nation..... but if they didnt change people in India and pakistan will make our Indian cricket team like our hockey is the time to awake and experiment the necessary ones...
ges in india and pakistan..BCCI still get money from this mad cricketing nation..... but if they didnt change people in India and pakistan will make our Indian cricket team like our hockey is the time to awake and experiment the necessary ones...
Sunday, January 07, 2007
வானம் தன்னையே திரைச்சீலையாக்கி நிமிடத்திற்கு நிமிடம் அற்புதமான ஒவியங்களை தரும் ஓவியன்..மணி2.00 ....தினத்தந்தி அலுவலகத்தின் முன் வாசலில் நேற்றைய மாலை மலரும் இன்று காலை வெளியாகவுள்ள தினத்தந்தி யின் முக்கிய நிகழ்வுகள் கொண்ட செய்தி தாள்கள் ஒட்டப்பட்டிருந்தன..இரவுக் காட்சி பார்த்து விட்டு வானத்தை நோக்கியபடி அலுவலகத்தை கடந்தபொழுது நினைவுகள் என் மூளையில் மலர்ந்தன.
"டேய் சக்தி படம் சூர கடி டா.நூறுபா தண்டம்...இதுக்கு நாம ரூம்ல வெட்டி நியாயமாது போட்டிருக்கலாம்"
"ஆமாம் டா..டேய் அடுத்த வருஷம் நாம இப்படி இருப்போமா!!!!..நம்முடைய டைம் டேபில நம்ம பிஎல் நம்ம வொர்க் தீர்மானிக்கும்..இப்படி ஜாலியா திரியமுடியாதுடா"
ஹோப்ஸை வந்தடைந்த பொழுது மணி 3.30..எல்லா கடைகளும் திறக்க இன்னும் அரை மணி நேரமாகும்ஹோப்ஸை வந்தடைந்த பொழுது மணி 3.30..எல்லா கடைகளும் திறக்க இன்னும் அரை மணி நேரமாகும்.நாலு ஆட்டோ அதில் எப்.எம் போட்டு முழித்திருக்கும் மனிதர்கள்,நான்,சைக்கிளில் டீ விற்கும் சிறுவன் தவிர எல்லா உயர்திணை அஃறிணைகளும் சலனமில்லாமல் தூங்கிக் கொண்டிருந்தன
டேய் சூக்கு இந்த டீ போதும் டா மணி 2.30 காலைல கடைசி லேப் எக்ஸாம் இருக்கு..இன்னும் ஆரம்பிக்கவே இல்லை டா"
ப்பிரி விடு,3.30 வரோம் 7.30 மணிக்குள்ள எல்லாத்தையும் முடிச்சுடலாம்"
ஆனால் நாங்க இரண்டு பேரும் 3.30 மணிக்கு தூங்கி 4 மணிக்கு எழுந்து விடலாம் என்று எண்ணி 10 மணிக்கு எழுந்து பல் துலக்காமல்,குளிக்காமல்,பௌடிக்காமல் அவன் பிட் அடித்து,நான் என் ரெக்கார்ட் பார்த்து எழுதி செய்யாமலேயே 80 மார்க் வாங்கியது சுவையான நினைவுகள.எங்கள் வகுப்பில் எல்லோரும் பிட் அடிப்பார்கள்.பாவாடை,பொட்டி,நபி,அய்யா,குஞ் 5 செமஸ்டர்கள் 8 பாயிண்ட் எடுத்தனர்.அவர்களிடம் சிஷ்யனாக சேர்ந்து பாஸ் பண்ணியவர்கள் ஏராளம்.கேபி (கிருஷ்னா பேக்கரி) இன்னும் திறக்க வில்லை.
"டேய் சக்தி படம் சூர கடி டா.நூறுபா தண்டம்...இதுக்கு நாம ரூம்ல வெட்டி நியாயமாது போட்டிருக்கலாம்"
"ஆமாம் டா..டேய் அடுத்த வருஷம் நாம இப்படி இருப்போமா!!!!..நம்முடைய டைம் டேபில நம்ம பிஎல் நம்ம வொர்க் தீர்மானிக்கும்..இப்படி ஜாலியா திரியமுடியாதுடா"
ஹோப்ஸை வந்தடைந்த பொழுது மணி 3.30..எல்லா கடைகளும் திறக்க இன்னும் அரை மணி நேரமாகும்ஹோப்ஸை வந்தடைந்த பொழுது மணி 3.30..எல்லா கடைகளும் திறக்க இன்னும் அரை மணி நேரமாகும்.நாலு ஆட்டோ அதில் எப்.எம் போட்டு முழித்திருக்கும் மனிதர்கள்,நான்,சைக்கிளில் டீ விற்கும் சிறுவன் தவிர எல்லா உயர்திணை அஃறிணைகளும் சலனமில்லாமல் தூங்கிக் கொண்டிருந்தன
டேய் சூக்கு இந்த டீ போதும் டா மணி 2.30 காலைல கடைசி லேப் எக்ஸாம் இருக்கு..இன்னும் ஆரம்பிக்கவே இல்லை டா"
ப்பிரி விடு,3.30 வரோம் 7.30 மணிக்குள்ள எல்லாத்தையும் முடிச்சுடலாம்"
ஆனால் நாங்க இரண்டு பேரும் 3.30 மணிக்கு தூங்கி 4 மணிக்கு எழுந்து விடலாம் என்று எண்ணி 10 மணிக்கு எழுந்து பல் துலக்காமல்,குளிக்காமல்,பௌடிக்காமல் அவன் பிட் அடித்து,நான் என் ரெக்கார்ட் பார்த்து எழுதி செய்யாமலேயே 80 மார்க் வாங்கியது சுவையான நினைவுகள.எங்கள் வகுப்பில் எல்லோரும் பிட் அடிப்பார்கள்.பாவாடை,பொட்டி,நபி,அய்யா,குஞ் 5 செமஸ்டர்கள் 8 பாயிண்ட் எடுத்தனர்.அவர்களிடம் சிஷ்யனாக சேர்ந்து பாஸ் பண்ணியவர்கள் ஏராளம்.கேபி (கிருஷ்னா பேக்கரி) இன்னும் திறக்க வில்லை.
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