name the company which
1.having huge assets
2.dont need FDI and IPO for its expansion and technical assistance
3.it's daughter concern are growing day by day but structure is not complex
4.creating millionares and billionares day by day
are u really exicited?want to join the company. hera are some qualifications required for the company
1.common sense
2.education is not mandatory
3.should have contacxt wit local dadas
4.wear traditional dress
i guess people who are reading this blog have cracked this q
ya.. it is none other than our indian politics
Politics in india has transformed from service to business.It is a field where gandhji,rajaji,subash chandra bose, bhagat singh etc served for the welfare of the people. Now our politicians are miliking money from the public. vaiko a great orator,writer ,founder of mdmk in TN was thrown out of dmk a political party byDr k.karunanidhi CM of TN, put into jail by Dr J.Jayalalitha former CM of TN. He had an alliance with kk and having an alliance wit jj.Sonia Gandhi's congress alliance with pmk ,a party in TN which is supporting LTTE. bjp's plan of reviving hindutva,bringing narendar modi to national politics and protesting against the request of pardon for afzal proving that poltics is a business not a service. communist parties are also doin the same. Communist party in INDIA are champange communist( a communist talks about communism in air conditioned room but not doing things to welfare of the people). Sitaram Yeturi is travelling in foreign car but there are some excveptions like Nallakannu ,president ifCPI(M) in TN.Present scenario in politics reveal that everyone want to stay in this field to maintain are increase their share.
Two weeks before my friend's father was murdered in a political clash in namakkal TN. reason is simple.he was campaining for a party for the forthcoming local body elections in TN.a person is murdered for a local body election than imagine what happened,happening,will happen in national politics. i analysed why he was killed the basic reasons which are 1.power and 2.money. if his party's candidate comes to power he will have control over the area,get bribe for doing services,can accuire more land i.e god father of tat area.
"survival of the fittest"is the motto in modern politics.then our gdp is around 8. why it so?2% bcos of the IT giants lik tcs,infy and wipro... and the rest due to small entrepreneurs in small towns ,cities (eg:dabhawallas) source:business line(i dont remember the date)but the government is not framing laws to encourage ambitious entrepreneurs.even the laws for it companies due to the fact that foriegners identified as and they are forcing the government to frame laws.. here politicians spending most of the time in setlling the disputes.. spending for welfare of the people is less than 5% lik the tax payers in india... if it continues many will write india 2040 and become a millionare from the sales as we are always lik heroes who are imaginery and do things we cant to do lik our bollywood,tollywood and kollywood cinemas(i am not teasing our honourable president as he is one of the persons who want to utilize our potential )..... to be continue